Over one thousand people pledged their support for this legal case in the first five

To all of you, a big thank you. Together your generous pledges have now reached
over £60,000. It’s very gratifying to see this level of support for this case that is so
essential. Together we will go forward.

We welcome all your wonderful and generous messages sent to our Contact Form.
Your contributions, information and good wishes have demonstrated to us your
strength of feeling and are incredibly encouraging.

Receiving your donations has allowed us to develop our grounds to progress our
case. Your continuing support is vital, especially by reaching out to others who may
know little, so please tell them and give them a link to this website. With you
supporting us we can achieve a new reality: one where our government pays

In case you have any questions we have created a link to Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ). Our legal team have described the judicial review process which
is in our legal section.

Please keep telling people about this case and why it matters. Share our
fundraising page on Crowdjustice.

We are all part of something so very important and you will make it possible to
champion everyone’s right for a safer future.

Thank you from all of us at Legal Action Against 5G.