Frequently Asked Questions
The proposed defendants in the case as given in the Letter Before Action are:
Public Health England, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Secretary of
State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Secretary of State for
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
We seek a judicial review.
A judicial review is a means of challenging the decision making (or lack of a decision) of a public body. There are limited grounds which can be used, and there are limited remedies which the court can grant. It is important to note that judicial review is not a trial of facts, nor is it an appeal. It is a remedy of last resort, and it is intended to be the ultimate mechanism by which governments are held to account in relation to their decision making.
In the first instance, a letter before action is sent to the public body in question seeking rectification of the problem within 14 days. If that does not elicit a satisfactory response, then an application is lodged at the Administrative Court for a single judge to consider whether to grant permission. This procedure is done on paper only; there is (usually) no hearing. If permission is refused it is possible to ‘renew’ the application for permission – this is by attending court to advance oral arguments (or by video link, as is now common practice during the pandemic). If permission is granted, whether on the papers or after a renewal hearing, the court will make directions about the exchange of documents and preparation for a full hearing. Full hearings deal with the discrete points of law which form the basis of the challenge, so are much quicker than trials.
After a full hearing the court will often reserve judgment, which means that the decisions and reasons for it may not be given on the day. If a judicial review is successful the court has the power to make several orders; it can make a declaration, quash a decision/decisions, make a mandatory order requiring a government to do something and/or an order prohibiting a government body from doing something; an injunction, and damages.
Timescales between the lodging of a judicial review application to the ultimate conclusion can vary substantially depending on the urgency of the matter, the complexity of the arguments, the number of parties, and the court’s backlog of cases. The current pandemic has inevitably created additional delays. If cases are urgent, however, there are procedures in place to ensure that they are identified and prioritised accordingly.
Our case addresses three Secretaries of State for the UK and Public Health
England and calls for a moratorium on 5G throughout the UK. A successful
outcome will have positive ramifications throughout the United Kingdom.
We will post case updates on our CrowdJustice fundraising page and more
detailed reports on our blog.
You can also be updated by signing onto our email list. Look for the ‘Sign Up’
form at the foot of our website pages.
We are receiving excellent support from the alternative media. This subject is
not widely covered, without a certain bias, in the mainstream media but we trust
that the publicity for this case will itself invite a wider and more open and balanced
public debate.
We do welcome your suggestions for any that you know likely to cover our news.
Please use the Donate button at the top of our website pages to make a credit
or debit card pledge. If you would like to donate by cheque please contact us on
this website.
Your donations will be used to initiate the judicial review, primarily to pay the
costs of our legal team – Michael Mansfield QC, supported by two further barristers,
court costs – and for the small associated costs such as for fundraising and any
promotional expenses. Continuing to support us will further our case as it
progresses through the judicial review process.
Very generously Michael Mansfield and his team have not yet submitted a fee
note even though they have been actively engaged in supporting the campaign
and in preparation for the case on a daily basis. We must ensure that their
expenses are covered. Ancillary costs related to development of this website have
been covered personally by one of the claimants in the case.
Monies raised on CrowdJustice will be paid directly to our lawyers’ client
Anyone who donated over £1,000 can claim a refund pro rata from remaining
funds, with the balance being donated to an Approved Cause. An Approved Cause
is either an existing or a new case (up to one year in the future) that is the same or
similar, on CrowdJustice, or their current nominated charity which is the Access to
Justice Foundation.
CrowdJustice verifies every fundraising page before it launches. Read more…
You can also visit Michael Mansfield QC’s page and look under Current
Commitments on the Nexus Chambers website and see the link to our campaign
CrowdJustice is a fundraising service for processing donated funds towards
legal fees for cases in the UK. You can check out their FAQ for backers here.
Yes, you can. On the pledge confirmation page, tick NO if you do not want your
name to be displayed with your pledge.
Yes, please do! As you learn more about our case and its progress, we hope that you will wish to continue to support it.
There are many ways including:
- Share the CrowdJustice Fundraising page on Facebook (and ideally add our
hashtag at the end of your post #5gjusticeuk ) - Share our CrowdJustice link and/or our website link on social media (include
#5gjusticeuk if possible), in your email newsletters, in forums, in your email