The lack of health protections are identified in yet another article by former member of ICNIRP, Dr James C Lin. He affirms in IEEE Microwave Magazine, May 2023, the inadequacy of current ICNIRP wireless radiation limits  “They are narrow in scope and not applicable to long term exposure levels”….“Moreover, for millimeter-wave radiation from 5G mobile communications there are no adequate human health effects studies in the published literature.” James Lin is Emeritus Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois.

“Dr James c. Lin is one of the world’s most renowned scientists who has studied the effects of radio frequency (RF) radiation for decades. He is a distinguished former member of the two organisations that created the RF exposure limits, the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)”.

Eleven years ago the former UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) stated in their “HPA response to the 2012 AGNIR report on the health effects from radiofrequency electromagnetic fields” that “HPA will undertake another comprehensive review of the scientific evidence and its advice when sufficient new evidence has accumulated”. We suggest that significant new evidence has since accumulated and ask when might the now named Health Security Agency undertake this promised review.

“HPA’s view is that the continuing possibility of: (a) biological effects, although not apparently harmful, occurring at exposure levels within the ICNIRP guidelines, and (b) the limited information regarding cancer effects in the long term, together support continuation of the UK’s long-standing precautionary approach to mobile phones. While technology has developed substantially over the 10 years since the IEGMP report, (2004) the principles behind the IEGMP recommendations should continue to be observed. Excessive use of mobile phones by children should be discouraged, while adults should make their own choices as to whether they wish to reduce their exposures, but be enabled to do this from an informed position“.

In 2012 the HPA supported adults being in an informed position, precisely the informed position that our case calls for.