Mobile Radiation and Industry Lobbying

Video: War-gaming for Profit The strategies of war gaming and the consequences  "...a pattern has been clear since the 1994 war game memo, all…


Evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer A. Balmori Available…


  Newsletter to our supporters We want to thank our barristers, Michael Mansfield QC, Philip Rule and Lorna Hackett for their very considerable…


Self-referencing authorships behind the ICNIRP 2020 radiation protection guidelines Published online by De Gruyter June 27, 2022 Published…

Safe Tech International

Message from Safe Tech International: The 5G/satellite/IoT/data + ”Smart” Ocean/AI juggernaut entails the manufacturing, use, and disposal of…

5G’s Environmental Paradox

Article by Miguel Coma From the many articles that Miguel has written, we have selected this, on energy policies in the hyperconnected era, where he…

News from Phonegate Alert in France

Dr Marc Arazi, who recently announced the creation of ARIEM (Association for Research at International Level on EHS and MCS), has just released the…

News from PHIRE Medical

59 year old social worker wins ‘early ill health retirement’ for disabling ‘Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS): Press Release 15th June…

5G's High Energy Use

Is the government assessing the high energy demand from 5G? “In the context of challenging net zero targets that demand emissions reductions across…


*******UPDATE - PERMISSION GRANTED AT THE COURT OF APPEAL********   Secretary of State to be challenged on failure to give adequate information to…